Today’s world is filled with sexual images, temptations, and unbiblical sex and gender ideologies that seek to destroy our leaders, children, and communities. Unfortunately, the prevailing Church culture has often been ineffective against these threats as we often wait until great damage has already been done before we begin to do anything.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt 5:8)
Protecting biblical sex and gender in our churches, families, and communities
Protecting our Leaders and our Children • Equipping Believers • Promoting a Movement
In contrast, our innovative approach is proactive and preventative to help protect your people from these deceptions Before It Begins to do great damage. That’s what sets Before It Begins apart as an invaluable partner for you to protect and promote biblical sex and gender in your Christian church, ministry, or organization.

Pastor Ed Schutte
Co-Founder, President

Pastor Sam Gallucci
Co-Founder, Board Member
Personal Protection Programs
Protecting our leaders and our people from falling prey to sexual temptation and sin
A relational and transformative program made by ministers for ministers
We believe that all of us are regularly exposed to sexual images and temptation. . . few of us have a safe place to go to receive support. . . and none of us were meant to fight this fight alone. This is especially true for our pastors and ministry leaders who often experience more frequent attacks and typically have greater consequences for moral failure. This is why our Personal Protection Programs are built with the unique needs of pastors and ministry leaders in mind. In fact, our care staff are pastors and ministry leaders themselves.
Our Personal Protection Programs are available for men and women in English, Spanish, and Portuguese and are COMPLIMENTARY and CONFIDENTIAL for the pastors and ministers of our partnering denominations and networks. Our proactive and biblical approach emphasizes prayer, spiritual warfare, and the building up of our identity in Christ, all ministered in the context of deep relationship and accountability.
Check out this testimony from one of our program participants: Personal Protection Program — Pastor Testimony

Four levels of care for your unique needs:
Protecting Our Children
From oversexualization and gender confusion
Children are today’s targets for sexually explicit, deviant, and destructive images and messages. The culture, through all forms of media and even public school curriculum, seeks to indoctrinate children with unbiblical sex and gender ideologies that can result in irreversible damage. We must protect our children from this oversexualization and gender confusion.
To protect our children from these threats, Before It Begins equips parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles to more effectively raise kids that will pursue God’s heart and design for our sexuality and gender.

Listen to this testimony from one of our hosting pastors: Parent Workshop Testimony
Discipleship Programs to Equip the Church
We provide numerous discipleship resources and events that inspire personal repentance and equip all believers to protect and promote biblical sexuality and gender. All of our trainings are biblical, practical, and encouraging and we always partner with your leadership team for ministry during the event and appropriate follow up afterwards.
Check out this testimony from one of our hosting pastors: Discipleship Program Testimony

Our unique approach produces results!
- Over 2,000 hours of care provided to over 100 pastors and ministry leaders
- 75% of those we serve fully graduate from our restorative programs within two years and some have even gone on to join our care team to serve others.
- 100% of the people we serve report a deeper relationship with God, a greater understanding of how to overcome temptation, and a meaningful increase in overall wellness.
- Over 500 children saved from oversexualization and gender confusion
Who Should Contact Before it Begins
Before It Begins is a valuable partner to help you promote a movement of biblical sex and gender in your church, ministry, or Christian organization. We serve:
- Denominations
- Regions
- Networks
- Local churches
- Missions organizations
- Associations
- Universities
- Homeschool networks
- Parents’ groups
- And more!
For Ministers who want support to resist sexual temptation and sin. . . we implore you to call Before It Begins.
Here is what you can expect:
- You will not be required to give your name or location
- We will listen with compassion to your situation and fill you with hope for a better future
- We will explain our services, recommend the appropriate care plan, and connect you to one of our trained pastor advocates within 24 hours.
- We will pray for you and God will pour out His transformative grace to you in a new and powerful way
Struggling with sexual temptation or sin is not a private matter, rather it affects our family, church, and ministry.
Left in darkness, these struggles will usually grow into something even more destructive. We have found that the two greatest lies of the enemy in this area are: 1) “I can handle this on my own” and 2) “this won’t get any worse”. Let us help you now Before It Begins to become sin, Before It Begins to have you in bondage, and Before It Begins to become publicly known with disastrous consequences.
Check out the personal testimony of our President here:
Personal Testimony of Confession and Healing
You are not alone. You are not without hope. Please give us a call.
Call to Action
Promote a Movement in Your Church or Organization!
Prayerfully Consider Giving
We are seeking to raise funds to promote our cause and services to Christian churches, ministries, and organizations everywhere!
We cannot do this without your help.
Help us achieve our goal to save
Before It Begins, Inc. is an exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Tax ID No. 88-0697221

Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time by Stephen Arterburn
Clean: A Proven Plan for Men Committed to Sexual Integrity by Douglas Weiss
True Sexual Morality by Daniel Heimback
Addiction and Virtue by Ken Dunnington
Making All Things New by David Powlison
Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions About Life and Sexualityby Nancy Pearcey